redesigning the future of work

Redesigning The Future of Work

Redesigning the future of work has been both exciting and frustrating, for both designers and businesses. One thing that remains dominant is the human component. As work becomes more flexible and less space dominant, companies will need to redefine ways for their teams to connect and collaborate in person.

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resilient workspace design

Resilient Workplace Design Essentials

Resilient workplace design is an ecosystem of spaces created to adapt and evolve over time. The goal is to optimize the office square footage you have while fostering higher levels of employee engagement. The end result is a more connected and effective team that will allow your company to respond to evolving business conditions in real-time. As the next generation of innovative thinkers enters the workforce, this forward momentum will keep your business model current, no matter what stage of development you are in.

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Investing In Your Talent

Investing in your talent by utilizing the natural agility of design has come into the workplace as one of the unsung heroes of office design. Office design is all about opportunities. And one of the best things about opportunity is innovation. The very nature of corporate environments has been changing and becoming more fluid and conversational. Work is no longer confined to one space or one desk all day long. Collaboration has become the essential component to corporate success and office environments have evolved to encompass endless possibilities for people to connect.

With these trends in mind, and talent recruitment and retention still a high priority, how does your office design support more collaborative activities? Do you need more definition within the spaces that your team utilizes the most? How can you use these trends to build trust in the most effective way and drive up engagement levels?

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Free-range workspace

The Free-Range Workspace

The free-range workspace is a constantly changing dynamic of work is the driving force behind the exciting office design trends and developments we blog about. Coworking spaces boomed in 2018 and continue to influence office design for talent acquisition and retention. The free-range workspace was inspired by the best of the coworking environment combined with the wide-ranging options of open- plan office design.

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