remote work

Taking Care of Yourself During Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced workers from all industries to the concept of remote work. Although many employers originally only expected a 6-week “lockdown,” the need for social distancing has gone on for months, and it’s predicted that remote work will be a long-standing aspect of life for some time, if not a permanent staple of the modern workforce. However, working from home has its own challenges compared to traditional office work, and ignoring these issues can cause long-term health issues.

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Investing In Your Talent

Investing in your talent by utilizing the natural agility of design has come into the workplace as one of the unsung heroes of office design. Office design is all about opportunities. And one of the best things about opportunity is innovation. The very nature of corporate environments has been changing and becoming more fluid and conversational. Work is no longer confined to one space or one desk all day long. Collaboration has become the essential component to corporate success and office environments have evolved to encompass endless possibilities for people to connect.

With these trends in mind, and talent recruitment and retention still a high priority, how does your office design support more collaborative activities? Do you need more definition within the spaces that your team utilizes the most? How can you use these trends to build trust in the most effective way and drive up engagement levels?

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