Entries by Office Furniture NOW!

Home Office Design Influence

Home office design will be the most surprising influencer of commercial office design for 2021. Considering the learning curve and the adjustment tiers everyone has been coping with for the past few months, this is probably not news. Even office furniture manufacturers have embraced this trend with some beautiful solutions.

The Workplace Wellness Experience

The workplace wellness experience takes on a deeper meaning post-pandemic. As we strive to regain footing and provide a safe, common-sense driven workplace, open plan hives of productivity will become more sheltered. Wellbeing will be in the driver’s set with significant attention being paid to social distancing, visible housekeeping, and boundaries. Workstation areas will no […]

Managing Workplace Disruption

Managing workplace disruption has become an overnight priority as COVID-19 pandemic protocols have become the new normal. The boundaries of how far organizations thought wellbeing and flexible workplace policies could stretch have been extended beyond what was ever thought possible. Even organizations like universities and utilities, with more traditional workplace cultures, are directing staff to […]